St. Charles Presbyterian Church and the PCUSA cross with flames logo and mission statement.


Sent to be Christ's servants

At SCPC, we understand ourselves as those who are gathered, nurtured, and sent by the triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - to live a new kind of life-in-relationship in our church family, and in the St. Charles and greater St. Louis communities. 

Serving our church, our community, and our world.

As a church family, we are sent to be Christ's servants, participating in God's mission in the world to live life-in-relationship with God and each other. There are plenty of ways to participate in our church, connect with one another and our community, and help us further our mission in the world.

Some of the ways that we attempt to live this new kind of life-in-relationship include: 

  • Caring and prayerful support to all in need
  • A growing fellowship, welcoming and open to all
  • Personal outreach with ministries of mercy and justice to serve our local and global neighbors

Using our gifts to participate in the life of our church

There are many ways to use our time and talents to life out our with-God life through serving one another in our church.

Tuesday Tinkerers meet weekly for breakfast, fellowship, and building maintenance. New members of any skill level are always welcome.

Prayer Circle: Join our prayer circle email list by contacting the church office

Sunday Morning Teams:

  • Music and Worship 
  • Technology  
  • Welcome

Leadership Opportunities:

The Ruling Elders are elected members who are ordained to serve as the governing body (session). Elders are called to be spiritual leaders, strengthening and nurturing the faith and life of the congregation. They are elected for 3 year terms and are instructed to engage members in the mission of the church and to provide opportunities for evangelism, pastoral care, worship, education and stewardship. Elders chair the following committees and welcome new members:

  • Spiritual Formation (formally Christian Education)
  • Membership, Hospitality and Technology
  • Building and Grounds
  • Congregational Life
  • Worship and Arts
  • Stewardship, Budget, and Finance
  • Personnel

The Deacons are dedicated to spreading a ministry of compassion and service. Deacons make hospital visits, provide funeral meals, and stay in touch with members unable to come to church. Deacons also support a monthly mission, giving to local charitable organizations.  New members are nominated each year, but outside help is always welcome.

Using our time and talents to serve and connect with our community

The SCPC Book Club is a great way to connect with members of our community. The Book Club reads a new book every month chosen and reviewed by the members. All are welcome, even if you were not able to finish the book for the previous month.

Hearts and Hands to Others (H2O) started in 2015 to do hands-on mission work through service projects with our local schools and service organizations. Projects have included writing buddy notes to at-risk students at St. Charles High School (SCHS); providing snacks, gifts and a Hot Cocoa Bar during finals to students at the Success Campus of SCHS; volunteering with Boys and Girls Club; collecting items for Volunteers In Medicine; and providing Birthday Cake kits and other food items to Powell Terrace Food Pantry. H2O supports service projects based on needs that either the church or members of the committee bring to our attention. 

Deacons are the hearts and hands of SCPC. Their ministry is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing the love of Christ with the less fortunate, poor, hungry, sick , lost, friendless, oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures of anyone in distress, as set forth in the Book of Order. They support a monthly mission collection as well as service projects, such as:

  • Collecting food items, Easter baskets, school supplies, linen and coat drives for FISH
  • Volunteering at Salvation Army
  • Angel Tree Christmas gifts for SCHS and Blackhurst Elementary School families
  • Donations for Habitat for Humanity, and St. Joachim and Ann Care Service

Furthering our mission in the world through giving

Saint Charles Presbyterian Church is a Matthew 25 church. This means that we are dedicated to building a healthy congregation, dismantling structural racism, and eliminating systemic poverty. Since 2019, we have been recognized for faithfully donating to the four special PC(USA) offerings:

  • One Great Hour of Sharing
  • Pentecost 
  • Peace and Global Witness
  • Christmas Joy

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