St. Charles Presbyterian Church and the PCUSA cross with flames logo and mission statement.


Gathered in Hope

Each Sunday, we gather in hope as we worship God and seek the inspiration and challenge of the Gospel. Our growing fellowship is open and welcoming to all. .

Sunday Morning

  • Sunday School for all ages - 9:30 am in the new wing of the building.
  • Sunday Worship - 10:30 am in the sanctuary.

What to expect

Where do I park?

Visitor parking is located in the small lot by the Narthex entrance.

Where do I go once I arrive?

You will be welcomed upon arrival in the Narthex by our Welcome team. The Narthex is our gathering and information hub. Bulletins describing our services are distributed when you arrive and large print bulletins are available along with assisted hearing devices. Children are invited to pick up coloring and quiet activities. Be sure to check out the information table for more information about our church and how to get involved in the church's ministries and missions. 

What is the service like?

Our services run about an hour and children are welcome to remain during this time. You will find friendly people throughout our church ready to help.

The bulletin will provide the order of service. We stand for some of the service and sit for the rest, and places to stand are marked with an asterixis in the bulletin.

We sing a variety of songs, led by our choir, throughout the service. You can find the words either printed in the bulletin or in the hymnals located underneath the pew in front of you. Bibles are available for use in every pew.

At SCPC, we value Passing of the Peace. During this time, you are invited to stand and greet those around you with a greeting of peace. This is an important part of who we are as a church and an opportunity to connect with each other. You are welcome to stay seated or participate as you feel comfortable.

Don't worry if you sit instead of stand or can't find something during service -- we're an easygoing congregation and find it easy to laugh when things don't quite go to plan. We hope you decide to join us for worship!

Wondering how to get around the building?

Our campus is wheelchair accessible. The building can be a little confusing to navigate, so don't hesitate to ask one of the friendly faces of our Welcome Team to show you the way.

What do I wear?

Dress may be anything from jeans and shorts to dresses and suits. Come as you are - we're just happy you are here!

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