Bios of the Pastor Nominating Committee:
Mary Kay Lyon - St. Charles Presbyterian Church has been my church home since 1994. My husband and I raised our two sons in the church. The members of SCPC are my family, and my favorite way to serve them is by volunteering to work with the children and youth. I love teaching Sunday School, VBS, and assisting with Prime Time Wednesday. I was Youth Group Advisor for 12 years, helped chaperone 9 Youth Mission Trips, and attended the 2016 Triennium as an Adult Advisor. I am currently Co-Chair of the Pastor Nominating Committee and a member of the Spiritual Formation Committee. I have served as a Ruling Elder, Moderator of the Spiritual Formation committee, Congregational Nominating Committee Member-at-Large, President of the Preschool Board, and Corresponding Secretary of the Presbyterian Women. I consider it an honor and a privilege to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee, and am excited to see who answers God's call to be our next pastor.
Christiana Manyanye - I moved to St. Charles in 2010 with my husband and we joined SCPC in 2011. I am a Respiratory Therapist and mother of two. I have been a Deacon for the past 5 years, and am currently in my 6th year of serving on the Deacon Board. SCPC is a second family to my husband and children.
Paul York
- My wife, Dara, and I have been members of SCPC for over 27 years. We have three grown children, Rachel, Sarah, and Jacob, who were confirmed at the church. I grew up in the Presbyterian Church as a pastor's kid (PK), and my dad was a Presbyterian Minister. I have been active in SCPC's ministry in many way, from youth, to fellowship to leading the church. I have had the pleasure to go on 5 Youth Mission trips as a Youth Advisor with my children. Our mission trips went all over the country where we built and supported communities in need and helped the homeless, I sing in the choir and I am passionate about our music ministry.
Greg Southard - I have been a member of SCPC since 2002. Prior to that, my wife Angie and I were married in this church in 1995. We have raised three children, Zack, Maya, and Owen in this church. I have served as an Elder for several terms and been a part of many committees. I am passionate about using technology to bring our community together with each other and with the world around us.
Dave Brakeman - Dave has been a member of St. Charles Presbyterian Church since 1994 and grew up in the Presbyterian church. He has served as a Deacon in high school and as an Elder for numerous terms at SCPC. Currently, he's the chair of the Stewardship, Budget & Finance Committee, the Clerk of Session, and co-chair of the PNC. A retired structural engineer, when Dave isn't spending his time on church activities he does home improvement projects, is a volunteer tax preparer for the low income elderly, and is an avid home brewer that enjoys pouring his brews at charity festivals.
Kenda Carey - My husband, Scott, and I became members in 2014, and raised our daughter and several foster children in our care for a time, in this church. SCPC has enriched and supported me and my family, and I love to serve and support the members of this faith community. I have served as a deacon, Preschool Board President, and member of several committees. In the past, I was active in the choir and music ministry. Currently, I teach our Adult Spiritual Formation class, serve as a liturgist, and I work as one of the Office Administrative Assistants. I am honored to serve on the PNC committee and look forward to see the exciting plans God has in store for our new pastor and the life of this church.