
Nurtured in faith

Jesus's saving work was to establish a new quality of life-in-relationship between humanity and God as well as between human beings. At SCPC, we understand ourselves as those who are gathered, nurtured, and sent by the triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - to live this new kind of life-in-relationship in our church family, and in the St. Charles and greater St. Louis communities. One way we attempt to live this new kind of life-in-relationship is to provide quality Christian education and spiritual formation for children, youth and adults.

A row of children playing a game where they pass a water balloon over their heads in the church parking lot

Children's Spiritual Formation

Sunday School classes are held at 9:30 am every Sunday September through May. 

Prime Time Wednesday is a midweek program that provides recreation, music, art, family style dinner, fellowship, and Bible study. Prime Time currently meets the second Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 pm. All are welcome, including adults!


Vacation Bible School is held each summer. VBS is full of games, songs, and learning about God. There are plenty of opporutnities to get involved, including the family fun festival at the end of VBS. 

Youth Spiritual Formation

Sunday School classes are held at 9:30 am every Sunday September through May. 

Prime Time Wednesday is a midweek program that provides recreation, music, art, family style dinner, fellowship, and Bible study. Prime Time currently meets the second Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 pm. All are welcome, including adults!


Youth Group for grades 6th through 12th meet monthly for Bible study, fellowship and service. 

Adult Spiritual Formation

Adult Sunday School is held at 9:30 am every Sunday September through May.

Small Group and Bible study opportunities are offered throughout the week. These include a Dinner and Discussion group on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays and a women's fellowship group that meets the 1st Thursday. 

Other adult groups include Tuesday Tinkers, Book Club, and Lunch Bunch.

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