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Commitment to Christ - Prayer

on Wed, 10/21/2015 - 17:21

:: 8::  Do not be anxious about anything; rather bring up all of your requests to God in prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. (Philippians 4:6)

What are you most anxious about? Do you juggle to make ends meet? Is your marriage not the best? Are you unhappy with your career? Do you have relationships that are under strain?

Life is not easy. We are burdened by the concerns of the commonplace, the small yet continuous concerns that come with being in relationship to other people, with having responsibilities in the workplace or school, with keeping our commitments. We are also burdened with causes that capture our hearts, stories of a developing movement, hotly debated issues in the political or religious world in which we live. Plus so much more.

You see, most of us live in a stress-filled time, plagued by busyness and pressure and worry. But the good news is we serve a Savior that cares and so we are encouraged to take our daily battles to God in prayer

Go to God today, naming your troubles. Ask for comfort. Ask for wisdom. Trust that you have been heard. Give thanks for what is going well. And lean in to the future, knowing that God goes with you!

Holy Spirit, may I turn over every stress, worry, and anxiety along with every blessing that falls heavy upon my heart to your loving and ever present care. Amen.